Hello Amazing Artists,
March Is Youth Art Month! Youth Art Month is a time to celebrate creativity in the visual arts! To celebrate AISD has a District art show at the Preforming Arts Center this month with a closing reception on March 29th. We have 12 4th and 5th graders with art hanging in the show! If you find yourself at the PAC this month, check it out!
Welcome to Ms. Hall, Visual Arts Student teacher, who will be with us all the way to the school art show in April!
Save the date: The school art show is April 25th, We will have a volunteer sign up in the next newsletter, but if you want to be in the loop to help, reach out to Amanda Hays or email Ms. Leatherwood at and we will make sure you are the first with the sign-up link.
Everyone is finishing up Self portraits for the art show right now, and we will be working on more art that helps students tell their stories in the weeks leading up to the art show, we cant wait to share them with you!
Creatively Yours,
Mrs. Leatherwood & Mrs. Luecke
More about our art teachers!
Nicki Leatherwood is an Austin native, AISD, ACC and UT graduate who has been teaching visual art at Gullett since 2010! She has 2 daughters, and a husband who is an Assistant Principal in Pflugerville. In her spare time, she likes to make art, sew, read, go on Girl Scout adventures, and help mentor new art teachers. You can find her Classroom Wishlist here.
Drew Luecke (Loo-key) is a native Austinite, graduate from Texas State University, an Art Educator and a professional artist. She has a tiny daughter and a husband who is a chef. Her hobbies include camping, creating costumes, making art for people, kayaking, and spending lots of time with her loved ones. This is Ms. Luecke’s 9th year teaching art in AISD. You can find her Classroom Wishlist here.
Artsonia: Connect a parent account to your student by clicking on this link.
Don't forget to check out the Contest Folder for Art Contests!