Physical Education (PE)

P.E. Press

Field Day 2025


Currently we are preparing for our annual Field Day coming up on Thursday, March 13th! Classes are learning and reviewing all field day games while demonstrating good sportsmanship and cooperation! Please be on the lookout for a Konstella post with more details. We are looking forward to a great day!


Wellness lessons this month are focused on the muscular system. When we return from spring break students will learn about topics related to self care like sleep and stress management.



Earlier this month, we had Coach Deline from Bat City Archery and his team from Lamar Middle School come and showcase their archery program to our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. The students truly enjoyed learning about the sport, and it definitely left a lasting impression. If your Geckos are interested in learning more, Bat City Archery will be offering 3 camp sessions over the summer. Coach Deline recommends session 2 for any new archers. Link to more information here.


Thank you for your support!


~ Coach Garcia, Coach Rose, and Coach Victor