We’re made up of parents, business and community representatives, teachers, principals, and other campus staff.
Agenda for February 25, 2025 meeting.
Minutes from the February 25, 2025 CAC Meeting.
Next meeting is March 25, 2025 at 3:30pm (on Google Meet). Agendas will be posted before the meeting.
Every AISD campus is required to have a Campus Advisory Committee (CAC). The mission of CAC is to promote excellence in education for all students through broad-based representation. CACs provide valuable input to principals, who ultimately have decision-making responsibility for their campuses.
The group generally meets the last Tuesday of the month at 3:30 p.m. This committee discusses a broad range of topics from school safety to lunchtime issues to the budget and the Campus Improvement Plan.
For questions about CAC, contact Tammy Thompson.
Membership of Campus Advisory Councils is determined at the campus level. Click here to download a standard membership application. Completed applications should be submitted to the campus principal. Detailed information on membership criteria is contained in the CAC Bylaws.