Welcome! My name is DeAnna Mahan, and I am the school counselor for Gullett Elementary School. Nothing gives me greater joy than supporting your Geckos! Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns ( or 512-414-2082 EXT 56028)
Classroom Counseling Lessons!
All students participate in Tier 1 counseling services via classroom counseling lessons. Our first lesson will be an introduction/review of the role of the school counselor. We will also practice some mindfulness strategies that you can use at home! (Other Tier 1 counseling services include brief check-ins upon request by school staff, parents, or students.)
Mini Meetings!
Mini meetings, also Tier 1 counseling services,, are scheduled periodically throughout the school year. These are private, informal check-ins with every student to ensure that each student has an opportunity to meet one on one with the counselor.
Small Group Counseling Sessions!
Tier 2 counseling services are available to students needing additional support in order to succeed academically and/or socially. PreK and Kindergarten students referred by teachers or parents for Tier 2 services have the option of participating in a play group. Students in grades 1-5 may be referred by their teachers or parents to participate in the counselor’s lunch bunch. Parent permission is required (Gecko Lunch Bunch Permission Form). Gecko Lunch Bunch meets weekly up to 6 times during the student’s lunch period. These small group sessions will be based on the “Character Strong” curriculum and are designed to teach positive mindsets, knowledge and skills. Sessions will focus on coping, regulation, relationships, and/or self-management.
Individual Counseling!
Tier 3 counseling services are delivered individually and are designed to help students improve their classroom behavior, support academic progress, assist them in gaining insight into themselves and others, enhance self-concept, and to achieve skills in problem solving, decision-making, and social interactions.
The school counselor checks in with students on an as needed basis during the school day.. Parents may refer students for individual counseling Consent for Individual Counseling.