Gullett Gazette - September 2025

Happy September, Geckos!

We hope you had a fun and restful three day weekend and that your Geckos have had an amazing start to the 2024-2025 school year! Each month we will be sending out a monthly newsletter highlighting Gullett happenings and showcasing all of the ways that we are GROWing our story together this year. In this month's Gullett Gazette, you will find information about:

  • Back to School Night
  • Beginning of the year assessments
  • Hispanic Heritage Day
  • School celebrations and holidays
  • Volunteer opportunities and background checks
  • Guardians of the Geckos
  • Counseling lessons, lunch bunchs, and individual support
  • Library newsletter
  • Introductions of essential areas staff
  • Art, music, and PE curriculum and music performances
  • Gifted and Talented nominations window
  • Upcoming dates and reminders

Wow! With so many exciting things going on, it's hard to believe it's only the 10th day of school! We know that it is going to be an amazing year as a Gecko. Thank you as always for your partnership and support!


~ Ms. Thompson and Ms. Greenleaf
